Use Forge in a Docker Container

This article will show you two ways you can use Forge in a Docker container.

Quick Start

First, install the Docker client

Obtain the Forge image by running:

docker pull arcblock/forge-release
docker run -p 8210:8210 --rm forge-release

Once you've finished obtaining the assets, visit http://localhost:8210/dashboard to explore your new chain.

Advanced Start

Begin by choosing the version of Forge you want from the Docker Hub.

You can obtain the appropriate images as follows (remember to update the version numbers):

docker pull arcblock/forge-release:v0.22.1
docker run -p 8210:8210 --rm forge-release:v0.22.1

You'll want to configure your data to be saved to your local disk:

docker run -p 8210:8210 -v {your local disk}:/home/arcblock/.forge_release/ --rm forge-release:latest

Finally, you can customize your Forge configuration:

docker run -p 8210:8210 -v {your_custom_forge_release.yaml}:/home/arcblock/forge_release.yaml --rm forge-release:latest