
Forge Javascript SDK 方便开发者在 forge 上构建应用程序,它提供精炼简单的 api,帮助开发者完成以下任务:

现在,我们来看看详细指南,告诉您如何写简单的 javascript 程序,而且这些程序在其他区块链平台上可能需要数天或数周才能完成:

  1. 在 forge 支持的区块链上创建两个用户账户(AliceBob),您可通过Forge CLI轻松设置并运行;
  2. 为新创建的账户获取 25 个 代币
  3. AliceBob转移 5 个代币,检查余额


  • 设置数据库,每个区块链都是一个公共可验证的数据库
  • 创建用户账户(注册/登录)
  • 为用户升级状态(代币/资产)
  • 用户间交易(转移/交换)


1. 设置运行节点

您无需设置即可继续到下一步,因为 forge javascript sdk 的设计使其可搭配任何 forge 支持的区块链使用。

如果您对在本地机器上运行链节点感兴趣,请花 10 分钟看看我们非常棒的命令线工具:Forge CLI并开始节点。

您的链节点开始后,运行forge web open以验证链的网页控制面板/探索器已启动并运行。如果链节点的网页控制面板无错误加载,则表明控制面板已设置完毕,我们可以使用http://作为 graphql 端点。


2. 启动 javascript 项目

mkdir -p /tmp/hell-forge
cd /tmp/hello-forge
npm init -y

3. 创建用户账户(钱包)

密码编码很难!所以我们创建了一个多语言的数据包,名为mcrypto和实用工具图书馆forge-wallet,帮助开发者操控与 forge 兼容的钱包。



yarn add @arcblock/forge-wallet @arcblock/mcrypto -S
touch index.js

然后,创建 2 个名为AliceBob的钱包,包含随机密钥 (edit index.js):

const { types } = require('@arcblock/mcrypto');
const { fromRandom, WalletType } = require('@arcblock/forge-wallet');

const type = WalletType({
  role: types.RoleType.ROLE_ACCOUNT,
  pk: types.KeyType.ED25519,
  hash: types.HashType.SHA3,

const alice = fromRandom(type);
const bob = fromRandom(type);

console.log({ alice: alice.toJSON(), bob: bob.toJSON() });

运行node index.js,我们会得到:

{ alice:
   { type:
      { role: 'ROLE_ACCOUNT',
        pk: 'ED25519',
        hash: 'SHA3',
        address: 'BASE58' },
     address: 'z1icz5RNZuPRhDdKWg1GGjN1fcJ5NwccWpd' },
   { type:
      { role: 'ROLE_ACCOUNT',
        pk: 'ED25519',
        hash: 'SHA3',
        address: 'BASE58' },
     address: 'z1m8hfeWSD4fZcycrHDgpJCRTHi2sowPXBt' } }

请注意,forge 支持很多钱包类型,开发者可选择希望使用的任何类型,上述钱包类型是典型的组合型,即使在生产中,也可以继续选择这个。如需了解所有支持的钱包类型,请参考enums

4. 在链上注册用户

与传统网页应用程序上的用户注册相似,forge 需要钱包(用户账户)在链上进行自我声明,然后方可接受任何活动,如抵押、投票和从该钱包发出交易。



yarn add @arcblock/graphql-client


const { types } = require('@arcblock/mcrypto');
const { fromRandom, WalletType } = require('@arcblock/forge-wallet');
const GraphQLClient = require('@arcblock/graphql-client');

const type = WalletType({
  role: types.RoleType.ROLE_ACCOUNT,
  pk: types.KeyType.ED25519,
  hash: types.HashType.SHA3,

const alice = fromRandom(type);
const bob = fromRandom(type);

const host = '';
const client = new GraphQLClient({ endpoint: `${host}/api` });

function registerUser(userName, userWallet) {
  return client.declare({
    moniker: userName,
    wallet: userWallet,

(async () => {
  try {
    let hash = await registerUser('alice_test', alice);
    console.log('register alice tx:', hash);

    hash = await registerUser('bob_test', bob);
    console.log('register bob tx:', hash);
  } catch (err) {
    if (Array.isArray(err.errors)) {

再次运行node index.js,我们将得到:

register alice tx: DC684CA8783665245B909A15CFD884DC36FF0CFB5315517ED5655F7DBD0BCAEC
register bob tx: F61C51A9FE31B5E782276F78CAE35945844D7F848E7E008BC75A396AD552C0CB


上述截图来自Forge WEB,保护链的内置网页控制面板和区块探索器。


5. 为AliceBob获得 25 颗代币

区块链最重要的用途是记录状态和转移价值,价值以代币形式展示,forge 也支持这个功能。

5.1 默认账户余额


diff --git a/index.js b/index.js
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ const bob = fromRandom(type);

 const host = '';
 const client = new GraphQLClient({ endpoint: `${host}/api` });
+const sleep = timeout => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, timeout));

 (async () => {
   try {
@@ -35,6 +36,10 @@ const client = new GraphQLClient({ endpoint: `${host}/api` });
       wallet: bob,
+    await sleep(5000);
+    const { state: aliceState } = await client.getAccountState({ address: alice.toAddress() });
+    console.log('alice.balance', aliceState.balance);
   } catch (err) {

在此,我们使用getAccountState从区块链读取数据,我们也可以使用 GraphQLClient 读取交易/区块/资产/链信息,请参考GraphQLClient获取完整的 API 列表。 您可能也会注意到,我们等了 5 秒才查看 Alice 的账户,这是因为,5 秒是 forge 的区块生产暂停时间,即交易由链执行并包含在区块上最多需要 5 秒,这个暂停时间可在您的forge config中配置。

5.2 获取免费代币

Forge 为开发者提供特别交易类型,以免费检测代币:

diff --git a/index.js b/index.js
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 const { types } = require('@arcblock/mcrypto');
 const { fromRandom, WalletType } = require('@arcblock/forge-wallet');
 const GraphQLClient = require('@arcblock/graphql-client');

 const type = WalletType({
   role: types.RoleType.ROLE_ACCOUNT,
@@ -26,7 +27,24 @@ function registerUser(userName, userWallet) {

+function getFreeToken(userWallet) {
+  return client.checkin({
+    wallet: userWallet,
+  });
 (async () => {
+  console.log('alice.address(userId)', alice.toAddress());
+  console.log('bob.address(userId)', bob.toAddress());
   try {
     let hash = await registerUser('alice_test', alice);
@@ -34,9 +52,18 @@ function registerUser(userName, userWallet) {

     const { state: aliceState } = await client.getAccountState({ address: alice.toAddress() });
     console.log('alice.balance', aliceState.balance);
+    hash = await getFreeToken(alice);
+    console.log('get token for alice: ', hash);
+    hash = await getFreeToken(bob);
+    console.log('get token for bob: ', hash);
+    await sleep(5000);
+    const { state: aliceStateNew } = await client.getAccountState({ address: alice.toAddress() });
+    console.log('alice.balanceNew', aliceStateNew.balance);
   } catch (err) {
     if (Array.isArray(err.errors)) {

然后,再次运行node index.js,我们将得到:

alice.address(userId) z1WrEtEV8QfVqfdVpMgP84zjqsAyvu9JQJx
bob.address(userId) z1gnRfzPLsvMzbnETWToC2KkZPS8DAUbu64
create account for alice on chain F229BAD518FBFF992DBA427EB41BB2FA4C47B737887A69148B2158EA6B270EDF
create account for bob on chain 983A330A062DE5D6939B77BC5C95443C1B879850FAF2B07C48381E7D1D0B9584
alice.balance 0
get token for alice:  9236928CBFD03E3B5C2DBD0963E0C0F1D9CECF48CB76612AE8B97136CCC3A33F
get token for bob:  C9C3A24FB12746F4E8049AD7088B9FADE92D5991152BA14B7C86B0DBDE92E01E
alice.balanceNew 250000000000000000

5.3 格式账户余额



yarn add @arcblock/forge-util


diff --git a/index.js b/index.js
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 const { types } = require('@arcblock/mcrypto');
 const { fromRandom, WalletType } = require('@arcblock/forge-wallet');
+const { fromUnitToToken } = require('@arcblock/forge-util');
 const GraphQLClient = require('@arcblock/graphql-client');

@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ function getFreeToken(userWallet) {
     await sleep(5000);
     const { state: aliceStateNew } = await client.getAccountState({ address: alice.toAddress() });
     console.log('alice.balanceNew', aliceStateNew.balance);
+    console.log('alice.balanceNew.readable', fromUnitToToken(aliceStateNew.balance));
   } catch (err) {

再次运行node index.js,我们可以看到,Alice有 25 个代币:

alice.balanceNew 250000000000000000
alice.balanceNew.readable 25

Forge allows developers to customize the token name/symbol/decimal on each chain, refer to configuration for details.

6. 从AliceBob转移 5 颗代币

现在,AliceBob都可以在链上花钱了,我们让Alice向Bob`转移 5 颗代币。


diff --git a/index.js b/index.js
@@ -43,6 +43,11 @@ function getFreeToken(userWallet) {

+async function checkBalance(userName, userWallet) {
+  const { state } = await client.getAccountState({ address: userWallet.toAddress() });
+  console.log(`${userName}.balance`, fromUnitToToken(state.balance));
 (async () => {
   console.log('alice.address(userId)', alice.toAddress());
   console.log('bob.address(userId)', bob.toAddress());
@@ -54,8 +59,8 @@ function getFreeToken(userWallet) {
     console.log('create account for bob on chain', hash);

     await sleep(5000);
-    const { state: aliceState } = await client.getAccountState({ address: alice.toAddress() });
-    console.log('alice.balance', aliceState.balance);
+    await checkBalance('alice.initial', alice);
+    await checkBalance('bob.initial', bob);

     hash = await getFreeToken(alice);
     console.log('get token for alice: ', hash);
@@ -64,8 +69,8 @@ function getFreeToken(userWallet) {

     await sleep(5000);
     const { state: aliceStateNew } = await client.getAccountState({ address: alice.toAddress() });
-    console.log('alice.balanceNew', aliceStateNew.balance);
-    console.log('alice.balanceNew.readable', fromUnitToToken(aliceStateNew.balance));
+    await checkBalance('alice.getToken', alice);
+    await checkBalance('bob.getToken', bob);
   } catch (err) {
     if (Array.isArray(err.errors)) {


diff --git a/index.js b/index.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 const { types } = require('@arcblock/mcrypto');
 const { fromRandom, WalletType } = require('@arcblock/forge-wallet');
-const { fromUnitToToken } = require('@arcblock/forge-util');
+const { fromUnitToToken } = require('@arcblock/forge-util');
 const GraphQLClient = require('@arcblock/graphql-client');

@@ -52,16 +52,17 @@ async function checkBalance(userName, userWallet) {
     await checkBalance('alice.getToken', alice);
     await checkBalance('bob.getToken', bob);
+    // Transfer
+    hash = await client.transfer({
+      to: bob.toAddress(),
+      token: 5,
+      wallet: alice,
+    });
+    console.log('transfer hash', hash);
+    await sleep(5000);
+    await checkBalance('alice.transfer', alice);
+    await checkBalance('bob.transfer', bob);
   } catch (err) {
     if (Array.isArray(err.errors)) {

运行node index.js,我们会得到:

alice.address(userId) z1WE7HCTNgshF7i5EbnDawA2MthfJghxC5j
bob.address(userId) z1hWaUK6LHbyWe72p2x1b17iD1xNJuFzVkU
register alice 309A3098B90519A98B248E05D6D50926F89AD346693CBC5A2322CC24DBBA4211
register bob B694FE8E64E70019D624454D29A037589D106775E47C1A899A1EDF2309F4643B
alice.initial.balance 0
bob.initial.balance 0
get token for alice:  3D1D6ED02F3F80CEE5AA3630EEB2ED68917252E00FE4533D12B3EA9D4D9B1F0A
get token for bob:  89090F0EF413545618FBD45C8306175311E18C7C2F2D2C34D69E743C80200CEB
alice.getToken.balance 25
bob.getToken.balance 25
transfer hash 629A6F151085951EB1C8567469E02C9C3276FA3A05B4FB49330C9AAC4B7D16D3
alice.transfer.balance 20
bob.transfer.balance 30

现在,我们完成了 Forge Javascript SDK 的第一个程序,您已经很熟悉在 forge 支持的区块链上写程序的基础步骤了。


const { types } = require('@arcblock/mcrypto');
const { fromRandom, WalletType } = require('@arcblock/forge-wallet');
const { fromUnitToToken } = require('@arcblock/forge-util');
const GraphQLClient = require('@arcblock/graphql-client');

const type = WalletType({
  role: types.RoleType.ROLE_ACCOUNT,
  pk: types.KeyType.ED25519,
  hash: types.HashType.SHA3,

const alice = fromRandom(type);
const bob = fromRandom(type);

const host = '';
const client = new GraphQLClient({ endpoint: `${host}/api` });
const sleep = timeout => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, timeout));

function registerUser(userName, userWallet) {
  return client.declare({
    tx: {
      itx: {
        moniker: userName,
    wallet: userWallet,

function getFreeToken(userWallet) {
  return client.checkin({
    wallet: userWallet,

async function checkBalance(userName, userWallet) {
  const { state } = await client.getAccountState({
    address: userWallet.toAddress(),
  console.log(`${userName}.balance`, fromUnitToToken(state.balance));

(async () => {
  console.log('alice.address(userId)', alice.toAddress());
  console.log('bob.address(userId)', bob.toAddress());
  try {
    // Register
    let hash = await registerUser('alice_test', alice);
    console.log('register alice', hash);
    hash = await registerUser('bob_test', bob);
    console.log('register bob', hash);

    await sleep(5000);
    await checkBalance('alice.initial', alice);
    await checkBalance('bob.initial', bob);

    // Get token
    hash = await getFreeToken(alice);
    console.log('get token for alice: ', hash);
    hash = await getFreeToken(bob);
    console.log('get token for bob: ', hash);

    await sleep(5000);
    const { state: aliceStateNew } = await client.getAccountState({
      address: alice.toAddress(),
    await checkBalance('alice.getToken', alice);
    await checkBalance('bob.getToken', bob);

    // Transfer
    hash = await client.transfer({
      to: bob.toAddress(),
      token: 5,
      wallet: alice,
    console.log('transfer hash', hash);

    await sleep(5000);
    await checkBalance('alice.transfer', alice);
    await checkBalance('bob.transfer', bob);
  } catch (err) {
    if (Array.isArray(err.errors)) {



此外,我们正在设计更多可帮助您掌握在 forge 构建应用程序的文件,请不要错过!


如果您在任何步骤遇到问题,请在我们的GitHub Repo报告问题