更新资产交易被用于更新您拥有的现有资产。请注意,资产必须带readonly = false创建。如果只读为真,您便不能更新它。



message UpdateAssetTx {
  string address = 1;
  string moniker = 2;
  google.protobuf.Any data = 15;



> wallet = ForgeSdk.create_wallet()

> ForgeSdk.declare(ForgeAbi.DeclareTx.new(moniker: "sisyphus"), wallet: wallet)

# say we have a message Post which have a title and a content filed

> post = ForgeAbi.Post.new(title: "a new post", content: "hello world!")

> itx = ForgeAbi.CreateAssetTx.new(itx: ForgeSdk.encode_any!(post))

> hash = ForgeSdk.create_asset(itx, wallet: wallet)

# wait for a while to let the tx be executed on the chain

> address = ForgeSdk.get_address(hash)

# later on you want to update the post

> new_post = ForgeAbi.Post.new(title: "a new post", content: "Yeah!")

> itx = ForgeAbi.UpdateAssetTx.new(data: ForgeSdk.encode_any!(post), address: address)

# once executed, you can retrieve its state to verify

> ForgeSdk.get_asset_state(address: address)